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Sometimes Beauty Comes from Ugliness…

By 2013-11-08March 12th, 2014Quotes, Sustainability

This isn’t a normal design blog entry. It’s not about business, marketing or personal interests in the normal sense. However, I must say that this poem/video about bullying by poet SHANE KOYCZAN is communication in it’s most persuasive and beautiful form. Visually, it’s stunning and there’s no mistaking the message.

With children in grade school, this video affected me in the way that good art and great communication are meant to—it shows the ugliness of bullying in the light of beautiful language and stunning imagery. Even if you’re not as invested in the subject matter as I feel like I am, you can’t help but be affected by this. In a way, this is about sustainability. Not environmental, but social sustainability—how do we help our children get the best out of their formative years and become better people from the experiences they have. These people are the future. Bullying in schools, and throughout life, is a huge, and growing, problem and bringing it into the full light of day is the first step toward remedying it.

“My experience with violence in schools still echo throughout my life but standing to face the problem has helped me in immeasurable ways.”



Jeff Lukes